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Boudoir FAQ

  • I don’t have the perfect body, I need to lose 10 pounds, lose my cellulite, stretch marks, acne…
    The reality is we are too hard on ourselves. There is not one person who doesn’t find fault somewhere on themselves even as young children, and it’s a shame because we were never meant to be “perfect”, and let’s face it “perfect” is a societal condition that changes every century. No one is perfect. No one, despite what social media will tell you. Having said that, at the first consultation for a boudoir photography shoot I will go over with you what you like and don’t like about yourself. During the photography shoot we will maximize what you like about yourself and minimize what you don’t! My goal is for you to love every photographic image of you and change your perspective on how you look at yourself!
  • I don’t know how to pose or look sexy in photographs!
    No worries! Come in as stiff as a board, we will help to move and pose you artfully during your photo session so you look fantastic in all the images. Posing is our job not yours. I guarantee you will come in nervous and feeling like you have two left feet and enlarged hands you don’t know what to do with but in no time, you will be laughing and relaxed! Having a good time is part of this experience and you don’t have to worry about a thing!
  • Am I too old for a boudoir/glamour/beauty photo shoot.
    One of the reasons I love to photograph women is that I find such fulfillment in making women feel good about themselves. I could say almost fall in love with themselves again, that may seem a little bit of an exaggeration but I think women have a natural love for beauty whether it is in a flower, a dress, or a piece of sculpture, we seek out beauty, however, the society we live in has for too long idealized the beauty of youth, and at the same time put too many burdens on women to be all and everything to everybody so we not only have to deal with the expectation of being perfect, we have to look perfect. But what is perfection and what is beauty? And where do you go to find yourself in all of this? As we grow older, and the wrinkles form and gravity bear down on us, so does the expectations. There is barely time to take a shower let alone get your hair done, the nails done, the make-up on, as we put ourselves last. This photo shoot is about reclaiming yourself. It is a time for you to remember who you are. A reminder that you matter. A reminder to be gentler on yourself. A reminder that you are stronger than you think. And that you are beautiful at every age. We will help you see yourself in a different way! You are a Phenomenal Woman and deserve to have images to show your strength and courage and beauty at whatever age you are.
  • I don’t have anyone to do this for.
    While I think it’s great if you are giving this photo shoot as a gift to a loved one, for Valentine’s Day, for a groom’s wedding day gift, or an anniversary or other milestone such as a 30th or 50th I love it best when it is just for YOU. To reclaim yourself. As an empowering pampering session. It should be for you and I want it to be for YOU. No one else should be as interested in you as YOU. You should do it for yourself as an act of love for yourself! You deserve to be pampered! love connecting with other women, spending hours talking and laughing and listening. And I think everyone should have the gift of seeing themselves through the eyes of an artist.
  • Is this too expensive for me to do for myself.
    I understand this is an investment, but I often wonder at why it is so hard for us to invest in ourselves. I have problems with this too. I live in the country, and I am on a single income and one day as I had literally spent THOUSANDS on having unhealthy trees and shrubs pulled down, I looked at my unmanicured toes and fingers, and thought this is insane and unbalanced. I am spending money on everything and everyone around me, and nothing on myself. I think society has obscured our judgement on what is worthwhile. I think there is nothing more important than empowering yourself. Not only do we work hard to create a day where you will feel like a pampered movie star, but you will have artful photographic images of yourself to keep forever.
  • Is hair and make-up included?
    Yes! This is a pampering beauty photography session, and it is about you sitting back and being artistically taken care of. We often marvel at actresses looking so gorgeous and glamorous, but they too wake up with frizzy hair, bags under their eyes, over plucked or under plucked eyebrows. However, they have a team of artists to style them and photograph them. This photo session is your day! We start with a wardrobe consultation before the shoot, then your make-up and hair will be cared for by a professional make-up artist so you’ll be ready for your close-up!
  • Can I bring my partner or a friend to the photography shoot?
    I prefer to work with you by yourself. I know a photo shoot can be nerve wracking but I find that it is more distracting when there is another person there even if it is your best friend or partner.
  • I don’t have anything sexy to wear? Do I have to wear lingerie?
    Not at all! Sexy is truly in the eye of the beholder. You can be sexy in a dress. You can be sexy in an oversized sweater. You can be sexy in a ripped T-shirt and jeans, in cut-off shorts, a white sheet or in an overcoat! The whole idea of this photo shoot is to make you feel you at your most beautiful whatever that is! We will discuss this during our style consultation before the shoot. This is where we begin customizing the shoot to you!
  • How would you describe your boudoir style?
    I like to think of my style as Vanity Fair glamor meets avant-garde. What do I mean by this? I like to think my boudoir photography style is refined and elegant, like a chic, Vogue fashion shoot. I like to look for the best way to flatter your unique beauty, with a little bit of experimentation thrown in. Fine art meets fashion.
  • Do you share my images?
    After you have viewed your images, you will let me know if you feel comfortable having your images viewed by others. I never share your images except with explicit written permission. I feel honored when clients love their images so much, they allow me to share them, but I understand that many would prefer to keep them private. Can’t wait to see you in the photo studio!

Boudoir Photography – An intimate form of photography that is flattering to the curves and beauty of a client.

If you have been thinking about a boudoir/beauty/glamor photo session but are just not sure, let me get rid of some of usual hurdles most women have…

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